Major Fuel Systems on the 120/140/140A's
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:31 am
Originally Posted on Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:10 am
This is an article which shows the major features of the different fuel systems which were built into our planes. The first planes were the simplest and then came a change to the four way selector instead of the three way and a tank-to-tank fuel vent line for the 140's and then the change for the 140A of the overwing scupper for common venting.
This is an article which shows the major features of the different fuel systems which were built into our planes. The first planes were the simplest and then came a change to the four way selector instead of the three way and a tank-to-tank fuel vent line for the 140's and then the change for the 140A of the overwing scupper for common venting.