Oil Temp Sensor Assy, Scott

A collection of technical articles & attached documents by Neal Wright
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Name: Neal Wright
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Oil Temp Sensor Assy, Scott

Post by 101 »

Originally Posted on Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:15 am

Two members realized that the leaks after installing new Scott oil temp sensors were caused by a mis-match of the new parts being issued by Scott (and by poor workmanship of the recent parts). They contacted Scott and were rebuffed.

Combining their inputs and pictures of the faulty parts they sent along to me, I created this article which was sent directly to the chief engineer of Scott. Eventually, after much goading, Scott actually started paying attention. It took 22 months, start to cure, but at least the parts kit one gets now will not leak.

Realize that, by reading this article and the "cure" which is included, you know more about the sensor system than 99 percent of the FBO's and mechs, so spread the information to those who need it. The "cure" was distributed only to parts distributors (who reads?) and not to Cessna dealers or FBO's and of course nobody in the FAA suggested what should have been issued to let the needy know and no airplane club or magazine has presented the information.

Do ensure that the installation is exactly like the new instructions in the KIT.

The "cure" must be followed as per the instruction sheet in the new kits or a leak is possible and another replacement sensor/meter kit will be needed.
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