We just got home, after being at OSH. for 9 days. That was the longest I have been there and being the airplane nut I am would have stayed till they kicked me out OR till the snow fell. Cindy and I are tired ,but had lots of fun seeing friends from all over new and old. This was our first of many years there with a camper potty, running water ,and A/C no reason to ever sleep in a tent or car again!
We had a GREAT turn out at all the 120 140 events . Dick and Nikki Acker had other commitments we missed them!!! , and decided to have a pre party at our camp site with Taco's and Margaritas . Can't replace their hospitality but we gave it a good shot.
Gene Atkins had us covered with getting a table at the type tent as usual they have us draw numbers now to get a table spot Scott Ross drew number three and we were up front like normal. For you that don't know I'm told Tom Norton started the "Type Tent" long time ago by bringing a tent to the flight line and meeting and greeting members and signing new ones up. If this is true we were the first and thank you Tom. I also met members from a 1976-7 convention I did not get a photo and terrible with names , but as always they had great things to say about the 120 140 people and there planes.
We sold out on our 75th anniversary shirts Cindy placed new order this morning they should be on our store in 2 weeks and also at Peach Tree Convention.
Tuesday evening was our Assoc. dinner located on the field south end at Tall Pines Cafe. We sold out on that and I apologize if there wasn't enough for seconds. Its hard to plan, some years we have way too much so next year we'll figure for 60-70 so show up! We also have planned for another 5 years to have it at the same location thanks to a donation and nicely talking to Vintage Aircraft Assoc. great place and being on site has a advantage for camping and members that fly in. We encourage your friends to buy tickets at our type table for dinner there always welcome .
Thursday was our Technical forum and I will try to make that easy to find next year as this was not clearly posted on our table Sorry. Victor Grahn and David Lowe gave a great talk and answered many questions at the forum. We are so blessed to have such knowledgeable members in the group. We will have a technical forum Friday morning at Falcon field please attend trust me we don't know it all.
Scott Ross , Cindy Tourt, and Gene Atkins worked the Type Tent table and I had the painless job of having fun conversations with all that stopped by. Shirts, hats ,new memberships and renew are all available at the table. We seemed to be one of the busiest tables there that's exciting for us and tells me our group is still going strong lets keep growing.
I did have a chance in the morning to visit other booths and see aircraft , the Type Tent hours are from 12:30 to 5 M-F. I looked at as many 120 / 140's I could and saw 3 flew from CA. pretty cool. The one that caught all the attention had to be Ken and Lorraine's Ser. number 1 140A proudly parked in front of vintage which really worked well because being 100 feet from the type table it was convenient seeing them and sending new members to see the plane. They worked so hard for 2 yrs rebuilding and making the show. Especially in two really hot days we had at Osh. Congratulations to both of them with a win of GRAND CHAMPION GOLD LINDY well earned!!!! Thinking many saw that plane and took lots of photos of them. Lorraine has also been working hard at a Video for general info on the 120 140 and A models. It was released just in time for Oshkosh. Scott and I watched it at the camper WELL DONE and very informative GREAT JOB a must for the viewing collection. Thank You for all your passion Ken and Lorraine.
Looking forward to Christian Vehrs hosting our 2021 convention at Falcon Field GA. please register on line under convention there so much fun! don't let ADSB stop you from coming do some phone calls and follow there rules some 10,000 plus aircraft flew to Oshkosh I bet some were not ADSB equipped. Also drive or fly commercial I see air fare is still pretty low. See You Soon Jeff
Oshkosh 2021
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- 6898
- Posts: 335
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Jeff T
- Location: IS65 Sandwich IL.
- Aircraft Type: 48 140 C90
- Occupation-Interests: Auto,Marine&Aviation Repair
- Contact:
Oshkosh 2021
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023