Hi, I'm your newest member Bailey!

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Hi, I'm your newest member Bailey!

Post by baileyskyeflies »


My name is Bailey, and I am hoping to learn as much as I can about Cessna 140s to purchase one as my first airplane in the next few months.

I trained for my Private in Colorado with my dad and earned my license in October 2020, during which I flew in a handful for Cessna 150/152 & 172. My favorite plane to date was a 1959 C150 with an original panel, no gps, no transponder and one very weak radio :lol:

This year for my instrument I started in Madison, WI and finished in 6 weeks with a long cross-country to 32 airports in 5 days with another student and instructor (highly recommend for instrument training!).

After a few negative experiences with flight schools and a wonderful experience flying across the country, I've decided that ownership is the right move for me to continue my training. I want a small tailwheel to improve my skillset and because I would like to get more involved in backcountry flying with a long-term goal of aerial firefighting.

Of all the small tailwheels I've looked at, the Cessna 140 is within my budget, and I've had several people recommend it to me to build time and eventually instruct out of.

Now I'm located in Chicago, where I've heard Poplar Grove has a great tailwheel school, but I have yet to explore out there. I also have some good friends in Madison, SD with some 140s, and that's where I'm planning to get my tailwheel endorsement and see if I enjoy flying the C140.

Right now, I'm looking to learn as much as I can about aircraft ownership, the Cessna 140 and also help finding the right mechanic and affordable hangar space outside of Chicago (haha if that even exists?!).

Thanks so much in advance for your help!

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Re: Hi, I'm your newest member Bailey!

Post by 2066 »

Welcome Bailey! The 140 (and, 120 and 140A) = a great trainer and just a super enjoyable/affordable flyer. There are some good ones out there, too! Monitor here as there's always pertinent discussion as well as good sharing of thoughts, ideas and important questions asked (and, answered). RE hangar that may be "affordable" outside the Windy City area, I did see that the famous "310 Pilot" has one for sale @ Aurora.....$115,000.00 best I recall. I'd bet that rent/lease payments in the area could quickly make a purchase look like a good buy :shock: . Keep up the search and research -- good luck with the journey. You're on a good track!

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Re: Hi, I'm your newest member Bailey!

Post by V529 »

Hello Bailey and Welcome to the "Show".

There is significant knowledge and assistance here.

The Guru's of Guru's are located at Poplar Grove when it comes to Cessna 120/140's. Ken and Lorraine Morris have a hangar there and have completely restored numerous aircraft including several 140's and 140A's.

What ever you're looking for we can probably assist. I'm sure the airplane of your needs(dreams) is out there already.
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Re: Hi, I'm your newest member Bailey!

Post by 6898 »

WELCOME! So excited to see others with the same feeling we have. Chicago? sorry lol we are in Yorkville and keep ours at IS65 . PM me if your out and about. I'm a hour from O'Hare by driving. hope to hear from you.
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
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Re: Hi, I'm your newest member Bailey!

Post by vfs0302 »

Hello Bailey,

I just bought a 140A.....been a professional pilot for 22 years and in aerial firefighting for 5 years now. You will love the 120/140; definitely get one.
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