Parting out vs Selling?

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Re: Parting out vs Selling?

Post by 6709 »

Good stuff from everyone, thank you. I stopped working on other folk's airplanes when I left the GA business for Orbital Sciences in 2006. This has significantly reduced my personal liability since then. When I was a professional AMT, I was just slightly better than poor in the role of Director of Maintenance, lawyers were much more interested in going after the company I worked for as they held the insurance policy. Since I made the decision to leave aviation as a profession, I have much more to lose in a liability suit. I still fly around 15-20 hours a month on average, and I intend on continuing to do so for a while. If you are ever at MRB, let me know and I'll buy you a coffee!
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Name: Victor G
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Re: Parting out vs Selling?

Post by V529 »

I have seen people take apart their aircraft and sell it piece by piece for the concerns you listed. It's a lot of work, time, expense and doesn't always yield the financial return you expect.

These days, when people research and buy aircraft they are pretty careful, you can read the post by a recent new owner, just below your post and this type of outcome is clearly in the majority over the years, I don't want to say your fears are un-founded, but I too worked (and still do) in the Aviation MX field for over 40 years and lawsuits seldom come up unless they have a true foundation. (gross negligence)

My guess is that you would sell it to someone who will really appreciate it and you would have the inverse of your fears and end up with a real "feel good story".

Remember the FAA only holds you to an annual up till the "ink dries", after that it's a "free ball".

If you are truly concerned, sell it as John suggested. Take an airplane out of annual, remove the wings and sell it as a project. are always responsible for prior workmanship,.........just harder to prove, it's something every Technician has to shoulder.

My personal feelings are that it's "not right" to take a perfectly good airplane and part it out, ......
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Re: Parting out vs Selling?

Post by 5836 »


Earlier you referenced MRB & Coffee. I was in Inwood two weeks ago for a 5K. You mentioned Orbital Sciences is that the facility on Rt. 28 North of IAD?

Clear Skies,
Mike C140 @ JYO
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