2023 Election results

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Name: Jeff T
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2023 Election results

Post by 6898 »

This year was a great convention with awesome election results. Up for elected positions this year was President , State Rep. Coordinator, and Member at large. Member appointed positions were , Merchandise Coordinator.
Your New President; Roy Aycock Replacing Jeff Tourt
State Rep. Cord.; Dick Acker Replacing Gene Adkins
Mbr. at Lg.; Les Byran Replacing Scott Ross

And appointed Merchandise. Cord. Marcy Aycock Replacing Cindy Tourt

Thanks to all that attended this election and made the voting a success.

Since Roy has been elected as Pres. we needed to fill his position for Vice Pres. That is a one year term left open. Your new Vice President is John Goenveld who is also our Missouri State Rep.

Thank You to our past Officers and Board for taking the time and effort needed to keep this great Assoc. going. Many of you have been in these positions and its all the behind the scenes effort and energy that make us happy to be part of this group.

I'm so thankful and proud to have served the assoc. for the past 5 years as President and speaking for Cindy who held merchandise Coordinated for 10 years. This has and will be one of our special memories we will cherish forever. We plan to continue to have NC3600V as long as possible and continue to attend all the events we always have. Having 4 boys all married with children of there own now, hopefully the plane will stay in the family for many more years to come.

Our first convention was 2008 and we have only missed one since than. The family like feeling we got at that convention was so overwhelming there was no way it was a "One and done event"! The good time's and great relationships we have made are priceless, as many have said we are extended families now. Started out as a airplane event for me and ends up a group of first class people that will be our friends for life.

Thank You for taking us under your WINGS and many more fun times to come. JEFF
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
Posts: 581
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Victor G
Location: Michigan
Aircraft Type: C-120
Occupation-Interests: Work on airplanes till the cows come home..........they're still out.

Re: 2023 Election results

Post by V529 »

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Volunteer groups take a lot to keep moving and you did. Decorah turned out great!
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