Technical Reference Manual

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Technical Reference Manual

Post by 6898 »

Thanks to Bill Rhoades and any others that could have assisted to create our 120 140 Ref. Man. Over the years we have sent many out and I'm seeing a trend in service facility's recently requesting them most likely the owners mentioning them? Just this morning received a thank you from a member over seas thought I should pass it on ; Just to advise package arrived safely today – haven’t had my head out of the Reference manual since !!! An excellent piece of work thanks so much.

Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
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Re: Technical Reference Manual

Post by V529 »

Happy to hear that years later, Bill's work is still being appreciated!
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Re: Technical Reference Manual

Post by edidin »

Is the referenced technical manual on this website? Sounds like could use a copy, but could not find here. Thanks.
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Re: Technical Reference Manual

Post by 6597 »

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Re: Technical Reference Manual

Post by edidin »

Thank you.
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