Convention Pre Flight Contest

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Convention Pre Flight Contest

Post by redbud40 »

Is there a post or availability , pictures or text , of the discrepancies that were introduced and or found for the competition?
Being a new owner I thought this would be valuable for walk arounds and things to look for that might need attention before flights. Thanks.
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Re: Convention Pre Flight Contest

Post by 6898 »

That was a Ken and Lorraine set up ,they were our convention host. I enjoyed doing it and hope they were thanked for the time spent setting it up, and scheduling all of those that participated. As far as a pre flight for our 120 140 there are the normal things to check that I learned for my PP Check , but after getting to assist with annuals and knowing my particular aircraft you just learn more from self education and talking to the pros that have been working and owning these for a long time. I agree that would be a great pre check list for someone to print up , and i'm sure they already have .
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Re: Convention Pre Flight Contest

Post by V529 »

redbud40 wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:35 am Is there a post or availability , pictures or text , of the discrepancies that were introduced and or found for the competition?
Being a new owner I thought this would be valuable for walk arounds and things to look for that might need attention before flights. Thanks.
I've reached out to them to see if they retained the list.
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