Matt's Bucket List Trip to Alaska

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Re: Matt's Bucket List Trip to Alaska

Post by 6898 »

Wow looks like a great adventure . Hope to talk at OSH.
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
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Re: Matt's Bucket List Trip to Alaska

Post by 1567 »

I have a CD with the pictures on it. If we can figure out a way to use that to show them it would be nice. As for a talk I could do something but not in the hospitality room.
No I did not take a GPS with me. There is nothing easier than following a highway. The Alaska highway is very curvy so I don't know how you would use a GPS anyway. If you are any kind of a dead reckoning navigator at all it is not hard to figure out where you are on the highway.

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Re: Matt's Bucket List Trip to Alaska

Post by 8241 »

Great video!

Spotted Cow on the cowl at the end topped it all off. :)

Dan at KSMO
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