Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

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Posts: 83
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Horacio Berardone
Location: PuertoYeruá, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Aircraft Type: C140
Occupation-Interests: Civil Engineering, Cattle breeding.

Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

Post by 5469 »

Dear friends,

As 2020 draws to a close, I want to tell you that I am especially grateful for your continuous help and friendship through this incredible and challenging year.

I could rebuild almost completely the original electric installation, with new wires and circuit breakers, I installed wheel covers that were offered to me by an association website member, I revisited the whole trim installation that was working fine, but had the old cosmetic of the 40's. Also painted the wheel trim cover and put decals that an association website member sent to me via mail.

My 140 flies always very well quasi hands off and never showed any bad habits, the engine sounds like Mozart music. I installed many years ago a full flow oil filter STC, but I stick anyway to the 25 hs oil change. Is very little increase in hourly cost, and I am convinced that is the best way to maintain a clean and healthy engine.

Finally, just wish you and your loved ones all the best in the new year 2021 !

Cheers !

Horacio Berardone Bouhébent
LV-NGL 1946 C140 SN 10.260.
Based CLN, Colón, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Formerly 9Q-CKN Based FZAB, NDolo, Kinshasa, Congo.
Posts: 244
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Randy Thompson
Location: California
Aircraft Type: Cessna 140
Occupation-Interests: Work on airplanes and engines

Re: Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

Post by 6298 »

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!
Frequent oil changes are very good for your engine.
Randy Thompson A&P IA Pilot
Hold STC SA547EA for installation of O-200 engine in Cessna 120/140 and 140A"s
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Re: Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

Post by 6863 »

Best wishes back to you Horacio. Congratulations on being so kind to your airplane. Your airplane will love you back for it. Nice to hear from you.
John Kliewer

"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein

"Wheels move the body. Wings move the soul."
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Name: Mike Smith
Location: Florida
Aircraft Type: 140A (2) 1949 & 1950
Occupation-Interests: Retired aerial power line patrol pilot for Gulf Power Co. CFIA, CFII, MEI
120-140 Assoc. Florida Rep. N9633A & N9688A

Re: Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

Post by 6183 »

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo Horacio!

Tanto John como Randy han dado muy buenos consejos. Dianna y yo esperamos que te esté yendo bien, y esperamos algún día llegar a Buenos Aires.

Mike & Dianna
Posts: 83
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Horacio Berardone
Location: PuertoYeruá, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Aircraft Type: C140
Occupation-Interests: Civil Engineering, Cattle breeding.

Re: Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

Post by 5469 »

Dear Randy, John, Mike and Dianna,

Thanks very much for your answers, and for being present all the time to share superb advice and friendship.

My best wishes of health and happiness for 2021, for you, for your loved ones and for all this fantastic group of little Cessnas lovers. It would be a dream to be in Atlanta with you in August !

Cheers !

Horacio Berardone Bouhébent
LV-NGL 1946 C140 SN 10.260.
Based CLN, Colón, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Formerly 9Q-CKN Based FZAB, NDolo, Kinshasa, Congo.
Posts: 139
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: John Kliewer
Location: EWK Newton, KS
Aircraft Type:
Occupation-Interests: Corporate PIlot - retired

Re: Best Wishes from Buenos Aires

Post by 6863 »

Feliz Ano Nuevo Horacio!
John Kliewer

"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein

"Wheels move the body. Wings move the soul."
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