length of ownership

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Mac Forbes
Location: North Carolina
Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
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Re: length of ownership

Post by 2066 »

Horacio wrote: "Finally, for me the wheel landing is easier, the very good 3 pointer is very difficult for me. In the last series I did one 3P and was fabulous. I felt like a kid with one thousand bucks in a toy store."

I surely understand that! I'm not much of a golfer, but do understand that it's the good & straight drives that'll tend to bring golfers back to try for more....same thing with the "occasional(?)" good landing :D . I seem to go through periods of being comfy & reasonably competent with 3-points and, then, a transition into wheelies for a while. There's good reason do practice both, of course, but I'm more comfy with the wheelies.
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