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Tom Julian, Long Time 120-140 Association Member

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:34 pm
by 6183
Sad to report that long time Cessna 120-140 Association member Tom Julian of Niceville, FL passed away yesterday 15 December. Tom was an exceptional A&P/IA, and operated Julian's Aircraft Service at Yellow River Airpark in Holt, FL after retiring from civil service as an electrical engineer at Eglin Air Force Base in NW Florida. Tom was very familiar with the Cessna 120 and 140 series aircraft and serviced mainly those models at his business for many years.

Re: Tom Julian, Long Time 120-140 Association Member

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:13 am
by V529
Thank you for letting us know. Tom was a great guy and I'm proud to have known him.

Re: Tom Julian, Long Time 120-140 Association Member

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:58 am
by 2066
I had just replied to Mike's email RE the news of Tom's death: " I know you agree that Tom is one of those special people we're fortunate to know along life's path, one who is just as good as he seems to be." Dedicated to all of the right things in life, Tom's sense of humor, outstanding expertise, and genuine friendliness made his hangar, his home, his tent (@ SNF, etc.) & under wing of his Stinson 10 or Cessna 140 a favorite & always fun place to be! We're fortunate to know quite a few folks around 120-140 land with similar gifts and giving, certainly, but it's tough to lose a very special old friend. We can be confident that he just made a perfect 3-pointer landing! Thanks for posting, Mike! Mac