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Oshkosh 2022

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:15 pm
by 6898
Osh. 2022 is so close are you heading there? We will be at the 120 140 Type Table as always noon til 4:00 it's located in the Vintage hangar. We will be at the table able to sign up new members and renew past members along with some merchandise and conversation. Please stop by sign in and say hi. I've heard that Margarita Monday will return see us for that info. Also we will have 60 BBQ dinner tickets on sale for Tue night the 26th Tall Pines Cafe located south of vintage and east of ultralight barn. (prefer you get them at our table before that dinner) Thursday morning will be our Tech Maintenance Forum 7/28 10AM class room "A" x-roads are Knapp and Galitin. If you don't attend because you know it all, please see me so we can sign you up as a Tech adviser. Looking forward to seeing you there. We would love to have some help towards the end of the week at the table. Requirements are happy friendly members that love this Assoc. simple right? Contact me Thanks JEFF

Re: Oshkosh 2022

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 4:09 pm
by 6898
Oshkosh "22" was a great time hope you had as much fun as us. Sorry we missed you for what ever reasons, hope to see you next year and definitely at Sturgis SD. We had over 100 new and currant members sign in at the table with many more stopping in to say hi as friends. Thanks to Dick and Nicki Acker for a wonderful Monday dinner and special drinks , thinking mine had some Tequila in it?
Tuesday was our BBQ dinner I apologize for the catering they were so late. I called several times prior to that night to check on time and quantity , but like so many things lately it got screwed up SORRY.
Thursday David Lowe and Victor Grahn kept us up to speed on maintenance with the forum and we had pretty much a full house for that. Thank You to all that attended were very fortunate to have knowledgeable mechanics who are also willing to travel to help us out . THANKS you two.
Hope to see lots of you at Sturgis SD. in September. JEFF