EAA Air adventure

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Jeff T
Location: IS65 Sandwich IL.
Aircraft Type: 48 140 C90
Occupation-Interests: Auto,Marine&Aviation Repair

EAA Air adventure

Post by 6898 »

Oshkosh is coming up , hope to see our Cessna family members there. Spread the word ; We will be at the Type Table in the Vintage Building July 24-28 12 till 4 . See us early for Dinner tickets which will be Tuesday 25th at 5pm in the Tall Pines cafe. ( I Promise on time this year ) Our Maintenance Forum will be Thursday July 27 Classroom A 10:00 -11:15 . Please feel free to post your plans excited to see friends and family there! JEFF
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Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
Posts: 581
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Victor G
Location: Michigan
Aircraft Type: C-120
Occupation-Interests: Work on airplanes till the cows come home..........they're still out.

Re: EAA Air adventure

Post by V529 »

For anyone interested the C-170 Association is planning a group fly in and have parking spaces alotted. There should be a lot of our "big brothers" there to view this year.
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