Matt’s Alaska YouTube video

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Matt and Carole Rybarczyk
Location: Wisconsin
Aircraft Type: 120
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Matt’s Alaska YouTube video

Post by 1567 »

There seemed to be a lot of interest in Matt’s Alaska trip. Check past newsletters for whole trip description. Sorry, I don’t know which issues. To access video, search Matt’s Flight to Alaska on YouTube.
Victor: music was THE ALASKA SONG by Lacy J. Dalton
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Name: Victor G
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Re: Matt’s Alaska YouTube video

Post by V529 »

Thank you, I thought I recognized the voice!

Kool video, for anyone interested here is the link:

Back in May/June of 2018, Matt flew his C-120 to Alaska and back. A four minute video of the trip encapsulates several weeks and almost 60 hours of flying. Very cool, just shows you the capability of our aircraft!
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