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New Changes to the Merchandise

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:15 pm
by 6898
Hello all Cessna 120/140 members.
I'm just giving you all an update on the store merchandise. I am no longer the merchandise coordinator. Marcy Aycock volunteered to take over the task. She is working with a company to get a new line of merchandise connected to our store, where you can order any shirt in any color, in your size. They will make it, and ship it to you direct. That is why the current store has nothing in it. It also relieves us form hauling all these shirt to Sun and Fun, Oshkosh, and Convention in hope they sell. So stay tuned, and we will update you soon! We will continue to supply on the market place store, Tech Manuals, decals, and misc. parts that are not clothing or hats.

Thank you Cindy Tourt