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Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:02 pm
by 8429
I bought this C-140 sight unseen and had a ferry pilot deliver the plane this past Wed. He arrived from South Florida around 2:00 this past Wednesday after for hours in the air. Pretty original old bird, solid airplane that needs some work. Mike Smith and I spent a day this week going thru her and she needs a repair to the aft gearbox bulkhead, has tail wheel shimmy I am investigating, needed paperwork on a wing recover from 2014 (IA died), minor surface corrosion on exterior bare metal. Otherwise the plane is pretty solid and the plane flew very well on the ferry flight and the engine had no problems with good temps and pressure all the way.......The plane still has the original cotton headliner and red trim from 1946. The bare aluminum needs cleaning/polishing an other minor items...............I bought the plane from an outfit in Stuart Florida that operates a jet charter service. They bought 4 or 5 aircraft at an estate sale that belonged to an elderly Gentleman in his late 90's. They sold all the other planes but were left with this one and wanted it gone. Here are some photos of the plane. it is corrosion free other than some minor topical corrosion on the bare metal we have started to clean up. If Mike Smith does not buy it, the air frame will be for sale, the C-85-12F is already listed on Ebay. Am really enjoying working and cleaning on the old bird and going thru the logs and documents is always interesting. The logs are all complete back to the factory test flight and there is no hail damage on the plane. It was pretty much a sleeper. Here are some photos so far.....

Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:04 pm
by 8429
There are several videos of the plane here ... jBa7PBoWPQ

Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:05 pm
by 8428
So the engine is original to the airframe ?

Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:45 pm
by 8429
Yes engine is original to the aircraft. One logbook entry was transposed





Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:17 am
by 4004
WOW - about as original as one can get , complete with "extenders, Scott 3-24B tail wheel, but "modern radios" :) - no GE AS1B low freq. Wing paperwork - 337 "done by deceased or others unknown -IAW STCXXXXX etc, inspected, airworthy, etc IA sign off and direct to OKC, no FAA needed.
Former FSDO contact counsel advice - probably covered in their guidebook.

Steve, are you the JCP guy I communicated with some years ago re a 140A, etc. IIRC you can really clean an aircraft and engine!! Shame to part out - Mike should buy.

Big Edd
Chattanooga TN

Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:01 am
by 6643
It's your plane to do with as you see fit, but, it seems to me you'd get at least as much, and have a much easier sale, if you kept the airframe and original engine together.

Most people include the airframe total time in their ads. Also, I forget what the cutoff was, but, you might want to mention if the plane has the narrow door posts or not.


Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:54 am
by 8428
Engine original to the aircraft would think of that as a plus.

Wonder how many of these are out there that still have their original engines ?

Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:12 am
by 8429
I don't know as much about 140's as some of you do and when I saw the exhaust on this Bird it reminded me of the L-19s and C-180 I owned where the exhaust tucked neatly down and back and did not stick out thru the cowling. I had never seen an exhaust like this on a 140 and at first did not think it was original.


Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:21 am
by 8429
The ferry pilot texted this photo to me when he stopped for fuel at Marion County in Central Fl. on the way up. It shows the tips of the strange exhaust system. It has a new Univair nose bowl and we have the original grilles to go back in. I may get to those next week sometime.


Re: Cessna 140 N72208 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:27 am
by 8429
Big Ed in Chattanooga, how are you. Even after being away so many years we still miss Chattanooga, great place to live. I offered the plane to Mike Smith and he is considering it but he has a lot of irons in the fire and may not have time to fool with it.