Lake Michigan rally

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Lake Michigan rally

Post by 8374 »

So I want to post an ad to the Great Lake Rally but I can’t post to the calendar of events and I also don’t understand how to post a jpeg to any of our forums. Help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Re: Lake Michigan rally

Post by 6643 »

To post a jpg just drag and drop it into the area where you type the text. There is a size limit, around 490kB, if I recall. Not sure who is allowed to post in the calendar, but if you post it here I will look into copying it to the calendar.
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Re: Lake Michigan rally

Post by 8359 »

lakemi.JPG (106.11 KiB) Viewed 3453 times
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Name: Jesse R
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Re: Lake Michigan rally

Post by 8374 »

Thanks for the help!!
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Re: Lake Michigan rally

Post by V529 »


I know some of those airports. I may be able to make it for some of that.

Are you planning on a clockwise or counter clockwise trip around the lake?

Lake under the right wing or left?