iPad mounts

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Name: Chris Hardee
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iPad mounts

Post by 8056 »

I'm sure it has been discussed before, but for the sake of the new forum and my renewed interest, lets do it again.

What is everyone using to mount their iPad? I have previously used a full size iPad with a Pivot suction cup mount on the right side of the windshield, putting the iPad half below/half above the panel in a landscape position. I don't have any pictures of that, but it worked out ok. Just a lot of glare and I don't currently have an anti-glare screen cover (its a work iPad).

I'd like to move to a mini. I'm not usually a fan of yoke mounts, but I'm open to try anything. Bring on the suggestions, with pictures please. I'll try to get a picture of my current mounting solution and panel when I go out to the airport tomorrow.

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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 6183 »

Personally, I don't mount the unit on the control wheel, on the glare shield or via one of those suction cup mounts utilizing the door post. I like an unobstructed view of the panel as well as through the windshield. With that said I put in my lap to refer to it rather than follow it. Just my personal opinion, but having an electronic device in front of you gives one a chance to start fiddling with the buttons therefore taking attention away from looking outside and where you're going. I've seen this with pilots and students using the Garmin G-1000. Like I mentioned, just my opinion and 2 cents worth.
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 8141 »

I like my mini Ipad on the yoke.
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 8141 »

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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 8056 »

I like the way you have that mounted. Unfortunately I have the pretzel yokes, so thats out. I have tried a yoke mount that goes over the yoke, but thats just too much in the way.
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 8056 »

6183 wrote: Thu May 17, 2018 1:26 pm I like an unobstructed view of the panel as well as through the windshield. With that said I put in my lap to refer to it rather than follow it. Just my personal opinion, but having an electronic device in front of you gives one a chance to start fiddling with the buttons therefore taking attention away from looking outside and where you're going.
I agree, and I think this is why I've been so unhappy so far mounting in the 140. However, I'm based at a fairly high traffic airport (large University flight school) with many airplanes in the local "practice areas" at times. Its nice to be able to glance at the ads-b traffic without going heads down. For work, I have the room to mount the iPad on the side window, where it's usually off until I need to reference something. When needed it's at my fingertips. When I'm alone in the 140 I have mounted on the passenger side window which I like and is very similar to the placement at work, but that doesn't work with a passenger.
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 8147 »

In my ‘46 I had an old CDI that was removed years ago for a digital VOR, so I simply took the blank off out and bent a single piece of aluminum over itself 3X to make it stand out of the panel by an inch. I then put industrial Velcro on the flat spot and on the back of the IPad. It doesn’t cover any instruments, or weigh down the yoke, or impede my outside vision. I can flip it horizontally or vertically, and my iPad is in a life proof case, so no awkward back and fourth from plane to case. Total cost was 10 dollars and about 30 min of labor.
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 4203 »

I have a mini-iPad mount that I made from aluminum flashing. The bends I used sound like those of member 8147. While flying locally with a totally unobstructed view is great, my goal was to get the iPad up where I can keep "eyes out" and see Foreflight info at a glance without going "head down". I see a lot of traffic a lot sooner with my ADS-B available in front of me. My other goal was to have Synthetic Vision directly in front of me, in the event I ended up in IMC. Since I have no artificial horizon, I was glad to have it on one occasion. The "best mount" is going to be a personal decision, so I am sharing what I ended with.

I am including a link below.

I like what I ended with after many tries because.
1) It does not cover any instruments (turn and bank, a little bit though).
2) It can be moved easily left of right just a bit.
3) In less than one second it can be lifted off the hand-grip where it hangs and removed totally.

The concerns of member #8146 are real, but I think personal discipline can keep one from getting transfixed on an iPad screen, while having very good data available with "heads-up".

Hope this link works if you click on it: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AlP602V6cjLenUgH3RqIwl6LgHtp
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 4203 »

[Ed] fixed the link.
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Re: iPad mounts

Post by 2576 »

I put the mini iPad on the pilot side and am quite happy with it there. I like that when the sun puts a glare on the screen I can easily adjust it up or down a tad. The only thing it partially blocks for me is the electric bank indicator which I don't use anyway.
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