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Washing and Waxing
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:43 am
by 8451
As my new 120 has to live outside for now I’m looking at giving it a good wash and wax. Does anyone have specific products they recommend? Is there any place on the plane I should take care to not get water on/in (besides the obvious static port)?
Re: Washing and Waxing
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:09 pm
by 6352
I usually cover the static port with a small piece of blue painters tape (mostly so I don’t forget and give it a blast of water) and have a sleeve for the pitot. Or more blue tape. That’s all. If washing the engine I cover the mag vents (little holes on side of mags) with more blue tape and avoid spraying starter and alt or generator. Some folks wrap those in plastic but since I wash the engine warm I don’t do that. For the plane I have used dawn dishwashing soap in a water bucket and after rinsing dry with a chamois or microfiber towels. I use turtle wax from auto store. I think the thicker kinds (the ones in the tin that are harder to get off) last longer. But the more liquid kinds are much easier so you might do it more often.
Re: Washing and Waxing
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:56 am
by 7950
I use this on mine rather than using water. Provided you rub it in fully and carefully it leaves a good finish that beads water and allows mud blobs from grass fields to be flicked off with a finger. If I have gained a coating of leading edge / cowling / prop flies and bits of flies then I use a plant mister of water to soak them for 10 minutes first.