Medical denied....

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Medical denied....

Post by 6597 »

Anyone have any successful outcomes with denied Class 3 medicals? PM me for pearls of wisdom or best course of actions. Am also an EAA member.
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Re: Medical denied....

Post by 7509 »

Hi, David.

It sounds like you might need a special issuance from the FAA. AOPA has a lot of information on their website about medical certification questions They also have a team of on-staff medical professionals who can answer questions.

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Re: Medical denied....

Post by 6183 »

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Re: Medical denied....

Post by 8014 »

I would suggest two things:
1) AOPA Pilot Protection Services can be a good advocate with the FAA's AME people.
2) Go to an AME who will put together a big, persuasive packet about why you should have a special issuance.

I was diagnosed with leukemia in '07 with a full remission the same year. Because I had been treated at the Mayo Clinic, I went to their aeromedical people for my Class 3. The AME approved me for a special issuance but that also requires approval from the FAA. The AME sent in a 1" thick packet covering all the bases. Then AOPA PPS called and pried my certificate out of them when they delayed too long. I was on a special issuance for three years (annual exams) and am now on a standard Class 3. Also, the Mayo AMEs code my exam as preventive care/annual physical so that my health insurance pays for it.
Tony Becker & "Rosebud"
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Re: Medical denied....

Post by 6863 »

An entire cottage industry has sprung up around Special issuance requirements. At the age of 66 after a heart attack and bypass surgery, I regained my medical certificate in record time and still hold a 1st class medical 4.5 years later at the age of 70, but to make that happen I have had to avail myself of the services in that cottage industry. The FAA requires exact language and procedure from one's AME and not all AMEs are equipped with that knowledge.It seems a shame that a person along with one's primary MD in collaboration with one's AME cannot simply assemble the required test results etc along with a professional written medical evaluation and end up with a special issuance without having to engage the SI cottage industry.

Multiple sources who know have told me that the Aeromedical Division in OKC is almost entirely populated by retired military personnel with almost no experience in the civilian sector. Speaking as a regular pedestrian professional pilot, in my humble opinion that lack of civilian sector experience at the Aeromedical Division is responsible for the rigid special language and procedural requirements which in turn forces people like myself to depend on the SI cottage industry and great expense.
John Kliewer

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Re: Medical denied....

Post by 6643 »

I ran afoul of the system 10 years ago, for something a little less serious than a heart attack. I discovered I had been issued 3rd class medicals for years despite noting on the form a medication that was disqualifying. The issue was uncovered when I went to an AME who was recommended to me, after I moved, who happened to be a "Senior AME". (Actually, his secretary, who helped me fill out the form, noticed it.) Turned out what I needed to get it quickly resolved was a Senior AME... A scam? Maybe, (I don't really think so!) but, he straightened it out for me in a week or two.
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