Front baffles 0-200 installation

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Name: David Sbur
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Front baffles 0-200 installation

Post by 6597 »

So now that I have a freshly overhauled engine I am paying more attention to CHT's than usual. I know it will be a bit before they come down overall and stabilize but I queried Randy Thompson on whether I had the correct baffles in the first place. He sent me a pic of what appears to be front baffles with basically no upright pieces in front whereas mine has a bunch of stuff sticking up all over. He thought that I may have C-150 baffles. Can anyone send a close-up pic of their proper 0-200 installation, particularly the front pieces? Here's what I have, which may be incorrect according to the old Emmett STC (now Randy's STC) which call for C-90 baffles on my 337.

What is also driving my query is that I need to replace the aging side/front baffles and want to correct the current bottom plug sparkplug lead locations.

With only 5+ hours on the engine the cruise CHT on the #2 bottom plug is 325-350 but boy on the climb out I'm hitting 400+ if I don't pay attention. Here's what I have prior to overhaul
5-24-09 001.jpg
5-24-09 001.jpg (111.26 KiB) Viewed 1134 times
The original 337 on my 0-200 installation
Lucas Emmett 0-200 stc.jpg
Lucas Emmett 0-200 stc.jpg (147.68 KiB) Viewed 1134 times
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Re: Front baffles 0-200 installation

Post by 6643 »

As far as I know, the C90 baffles are the same as the C85 baffles, except there is a doubler on the lower cowl lip, 0452208, item 6 on the list above. The pieces added in front of the front cylinders are reminiscent of the baffles used in the 150 and probably help a little, but are not "stock". Early planes had a thin piece that goes across under the crank flange at the top of the cowl openings below the prop to separate the upper pressure cowl from the plenum under the engine.
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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: David Sbur
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Aircraft Type: '46 140 0-200A
Occupation-Interests: Agriculture

Re: Front baffles 0-200 installation

Post by 6597 »

A shout out to Tim Mix/OR rep for the Association for providing me a set of templates to copy and some guidance. Between him and Randy I think I got a good handle on it now, thanks!
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