UAvionix AV-30-C users
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- Posts: 143
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Huey Pilot
- Location: Gainesville, TX
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Re: UAvionix AV-30-C users
I have the Stratus/Appareo transponder ADSB system. The transponder has the same dimensions as my old King KT76A. This system works great with Foreflight. I also use an electric turn co-ordination.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:36 am
- Name: Bradley Bell
- Location: Bothell, WA
- Aircraft Type: '47 C140; '48 NAVI
- Occupation-Interests: Software & Systems Development; A&P/IA
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Re: UAvionix AV-30-C users
I too added the temp probe on the av30, works great. I went with the Stratus ADSB/Transponder ESG install: ... nsponders/ No concerns seems solid. I know I can get the experimental AV-Link, but waiting a little longer is ok too. What i really want is the stc'd magnetometer coupled to the software update -should be a good DG at that point.
- hotrodmac
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- Joined: Mon Aug 12, 2019 12:33 am
- Name: Lance B
- Location: Mint Hill, NC
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Re: UAvionix AV-30-C users
I second the stratus ESG system! I have it in both my 140 and the 150 I fly regularly. They’ve been rock solid and were a fairly affordable solution. If you only have one plane, I strongly recommend the ESGi. It gets you a Stratus bolted to the firewall and it just works.
'46 C140
120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.
120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.
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Re: UAvionix AV-30-C users
I have no vacuum system in my 140. Electric TC and a Dynon D3. Transponder and Tailbeacon give me ADSB out. Stratus and iPad give me ADSB in. I love it. Light weight and all I need for VFR plus the Dynon gives an AI for peace of mind. I am planning to replace the electric TC with an electric T&B or electric AI.
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Re: UAvionix AV-30-C users
I fly three AV-30s in three aircraft, two of which are IFR. As an AI the unit is fine, easy to read and responsive. As an AI it is only primary for attitude and slip. That's it. It is also primary for heading in DG mode, but at this point would not recommend its use as a DG. Without an external magnetometer (supposedly soon to be certified, only experimental at present) it just drifts too much. If connected via RS-232 to a GPS it will also function as a lateral deviation only HSI. Very useful feature in some installations.
I've had no issues over hundreds of hours in use with the AV-30s to date.
I've had no issues over hundreds of hours in use with the AV-30s to date.