I've got a paperwork nightmare on my brake STC...

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Name: Kevin I
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I've got a paperwork nightmare on my brake STC...

Post by 8353 »

Howdy All,

During the (never ending) annual inspection of my 1946 C-140, SN 11003, I discovered the Cleveland wheel and brake conversion was done in 2015, but the numbers on the 337 do not match the wheels that are on the airplane.

The STC SA13GL applies to aircraft with serial numbers 13400 and up. I believe that is when they put the newer landing gear on the production aircraft. My airplane has the later landing gear installed so the serial number of the airplane is moot. It get's better:

The wheels on the plane are the same parts as all other Cessna single engine airplanes with those Cleveland brakes, but the assembly number is 40-75H, instead of the 40-97A specified in the STC. The 40-75H assembly is no longer made or supported and cannot be ordered. The only difference is the -75H had two different outer wheel bearing parts stacks and either could be used. My airplane has different felt grease seals on each side, so I can see the difference.

We have been on the phone with Parker Hannifin for the last three days and they have been very helpful. We are attempting to sort out whether these parts can be used with the STC, or if I'll need to make some expensive ($3,000.00 per side!) replacements!

Has anyone here had a similar issue? How can I use these parts as replacements for the parts specified in the STC?

We also discovered the 337 is not on the Master record for the aircraft. Wonderful...
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Re: I've got a paperwork nightmare on my brake STC...

Post by 6643 »

If the 337 was never filed with OKC then, for all practical purposes, it doesn't exist.

Have a cooperative IA write up a new 337 for an installation performed in the past by "persons unknown", cite the STC, list the wheels as a deviation with an explanation as to why the minor differences between the wheels don't matter, and file it with OKC. Tear up the old one and replace it with a copy of the new one. Chances are you'll never hear about it again.
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