Cessna technical support

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Cessna technical support

Post by 6843 »

Has anyone tried to contact Cessna for specification or a technical drawing to allow fabrication of an owner produced part for something no longer available? Are they helpful? If so, do you just call the Cessna corporate telephone number from Google?

Dave Sirota
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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by 5099 »

Depends on the part. The feds came out with AC 23-27 in 2009 to try and help with parts for vintage aircraft. For example, if you need a hydraulic brake hose you can use an approved part from a C-150. If you haven’t already, you might take a look at it and see if it doesn’t help.
JMHO, Steve
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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by 6898 »

Yes Thinking John von linsowe has done a lot of research on this maybe he'll chime in on this for you.
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by 6843 »

Thanks Guys. I needed some of the bushings in a aileron bellcrank. C-150 is different design. If the 3, I cant find 2 of them and one is $196! SInce my initial post, I found a bellcrank complete with the bushings from BAS for $100. I'd still like to know how to get information from Cessna for the inevitable future issue.
Dave Sirota
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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by 8424 »

Hi Dave.

I am rebuilding a damage C140A, and needed information concerning rivets used in the installation of the side splices. I was able to get help from Textron Aviation. At first they appeared to be only involved with the late models of Cessnas, but was eventually connected to the people that work in the section with the original drawings of all the old planes. They seemed to actually enjoy researching my request and were great to work with.

Here's their web address:


I opened an account with them, which gave me access to lots of information, including contacts.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by 5806 »

6898 wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:59 am Yes Thinking John von linsowe has done a lot of research on this maybe he'll chime in on this for you.
You have a good memory Jeff.
Back when I was a board member, handling this website, I had made a proposal to the Association board that inline with our mission statement of supporting owners and operators of Cessna 120/140's, we as an Association should attempt to obtain any and all documentation that Cessna may still have concerning the 120/140 aircraft. This was not as the Luscombe guys had done in obtaining the type certificate and tooling, but just to act as a librarian of the documents. Perhaps supplying copies of necessary drawings to Association members that produced a serial number that the documents were issued to. There may be a fee involved to pay for the 'librarian function/software etc. Similar to Van's in that you must have a serial number to purchase items.
I thought this would provide a lasting value to the Association and protect the longevity of the type of aircraft. The response was minimal....

So, no I don't have an inside line to Cessna drawings, but in my humble opinion it would be great if someone did and shared it with the Association in a formal way to protect Cessna in whatever that may entail.

Now stepping down from my soapbox.... ;-)
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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by V529 »

I have addressed this very subject with Textron(Cessna) directly. As long as they still produce the part (regardless of the cost) they will not supply you with a drawing. That being said, occasionally drawings have been available. It all depends on what it is. Sorry for the evasive answer, but we do have some drawings as an Association.
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Re: Cessna technical support

Post by 2066 »

V529 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:04 am I have addressed this very subject with Textron(Cessna) directly. As long as they still produce the part (regardless of the cost) they will not supply you with a drawing. That being said, occasionally drawings have been available. It all depends on what it is. Sorry for the evasive answer, but we do have some drawings as an Association.
...same response I received in contacting them a few years back. Also, had an "old" friend who's a long time DAR/DER with what seemed to be good connections there to ask for an "innovative agreement" for the Association to administer some of growing need for MX info.. While I still feel that we may not have found our way to the "right" person(s), the standard answer seemed to be similar to what Victor has heard. A bit frustrating, for sure. It often seems that they'd prefer that we just go away with our "old stuff" and/or buy their multi million buck "new" aircraft :x . Mac
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