Grimes Retractable Landing Light

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: John C
Location: KLCI, NH
Aircraft Type: 1946 C140/C90
Occupation-Interests: A&P, semi-retired

Re: Grimes Retractable Landing Light

Post by 6643 »

First you need to determine the wire gauge for the lighter socket. Then, using AC43.13, you need to determine the proper fuse for that gauge wire. Alternatively, determine the wire size for the existing fuse and make sure you use that size or larger for the socket. For a 25 amp fuse you need a #10 wire and I would be surprised if the lighter socket is wired with a #10 wire. Drop the fuse down to 20 amps and you can use a #12 wire.

The appropriate circuit breaker rating is not necessarily the same, although it is never less.

On at last some of our planes the fuse holders are soldered directly to a heavy wire that constitutes the "bus". To switch holders or switch to circuit breakers you really should redo the entire assembly.

As previously stated, anyone can do the work, as long as they are properly supervised by and the aircraft is returned to service by an A&P.
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