Straight Pipe Exhaust Shroud

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Straight Pipe Exhaust Shroud

Post by wccborn »

I've got a 1946 140 with a C-85 and the original straight pipe exhaust system. The exhaust is in decent shape but the heat shrouds are beginning to wear through at the clamps. The IPC lists 0450228 and 0450237. I can find these on AWI, however there aren't any pictures. Can anyone confirm that these are the correct shrouds? Perhaps someone knows somewhere else that I can get them? I know that there are places that you can have the exhausts manufactured, but what about the shrouds?

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Re: Straight Pipe Exhaust Shroud

Post by 2066 »

I "think" they are referring to the correct shrouds. Someone here recently posted experience with purchasing "new" OEM straight exhaust and having their old shrouds "rebuilt"...I'm thinking it was AWI that they did biz with (maybe they'll wade in). As best I recall, AWI takes the old shrouds and rebuilds them and, in fact, does the same with your old exhaust. You do end up with basically all new pipes and shrouds. I'd expect a call to them would be the best way to clarify and be certain that they're referring to the shrouds for straight exhaust and not for the150. Mac
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