Weighing the 140

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Weighing the 140

Post by 7916 »

I searched the POH and library for weighing the 140. Seems as though my IA can only locate the original W and B from when it left the factory. Certainly there must be a procedure out there. I know that one must remove the fuel and I assume that it must be in the 3 point stance and be drained through the gascolator on the firewall. But then, how much fuel is left in the tanks?

To weigh it, it must be in the flying configuration, i.e. level, using one of the skin parts (just don't know what it is called}

Any help would be appreciated. We already weighed the plane but afterwards, I was able to drain a lot of fuel from the tanks so I am not convinced it was correctly done. Would not even question it except that the weight came out over 1000 lbs but I want it to be accurate.
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Re: Weighing the 140

Post by 6643 »

It's easier to fill the tanks and weigh the plane that way, then subtract the 25 gallons of fuel to get the empty weight and CG.

The leveling means is the splice plate aft of the door frame.

Never weigh your plane unless you're prepared to accept at least a 75 lb weight increase. We all get heavier as we get older...
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