I would argue that it could increase cruise, but that would require your prop to be repitched.
My little airplane will just hit redline when firewalled at sea level,if it made more power then of course it would over rev, so if mine would over rev than I could have it repitched and have a slightly higher cruise, even at lower RPM.
On edit if the RPM is the same, the higher pitched prop will be going faster due its pitch.
I would prefer the O-200 crank as it’s my understanding that serviceable C-85 cranks are very rare, so at overhaul time you may have to go the 0-200 route, and that I think at least $ 6,000,but if you have an 0-200 crank it’s likely to be standard sized so that at overhaul it can be turned or at least a serviceable one can be found.
However one has to wonder if more power from the same case doesn’t cause some kind of issues somewhere else?
C-85 "stroker" vs the 0200 crank/pistons/rods STC
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- Posts: 319
- Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:41 pm
- Name: Jody
- Aircraft Type: C-140
- Occupation-Interests: A&P former IA, Retired test pilot
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