Min/Max Oil Qty o-200 - STC SA547EA

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Re: Min/Max Oil Qty o-200 - STC SA547EA

Post by 6643 »

Continental Standard Maintenance Practices refers to The maintenance manual X-30010. The only reference in X-30010 is to testing after overhaul. The limits there are .75 lb/hr for the C85 and C90 and .80 lbs/hr for the O200. That's only about a quart in 8 hours. I recall seeing much more reasonable numbers, but can't remember where, or what they were.

1. I guess I have to type faster...
2. Those are the numbers I was remembering. I don't know why I didn't find them just now...

[edit edit]
OK, I didn't find it because that's not from X-30010. Where did it come from?
X-30010 gives "Average oil consumption" in pints/hr as 1/4 for the C85 and 1/3 for the C90 and O200.

Somehow I can't see anything that says "Average" or "Approximate" as a limit. So, your engine is "Approximately" airworthy... ;)
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Re: Min/Max Oil Qty o-200 - STC SA547EA

Post by maverick_fa »

6298 wrote: Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:50 pm Lycomings on the other hand use more if you fill them all the way. It is because the crankshaft spins close to the oil level. Using a little less makes the consumption less.
On the Continentals, the Sump is well below the the moving parts and the oil has to flow down to the sump.
Thanks for the info. I appreciate!

FYI, I have ~1/4 Qt less when the engine is tilt compare to when the AC is level... not a big difference.
Mat | CSG3
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