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Posts: 14
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Steve H
Location: Pinetop, AZ
Aircraft Type: C-120

Re: Propellers

Post by 6795 »

I’m based in Arizona and flew my plane here for many years with the original C-85/cruise prop and then re-pitched to a climb prop for a while. I now have the 0-200 crank conversion swinging a Sensenich 76AK-2-44 prop. When I changed to a climb prop on the C-85 my “take-off pucker factor” was reduced but this benefit was offset by the 4-5 mph reduction in cruise speed. The current configuration is very good with double the original climb rate, a nice increase in cruise speed, and a modest 0.2 gallon/hour increase in fuel consumption. I would however say that no engine/prop modifications will overcome a heavy 120/140 when operated at high density altitudes. I suggest reducing the weight of your plane as much as possible when mountain flying in Arizona.
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