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Probably a round-head Type U drive screw/screw nail. I can't imagine that being legal or safe unless you can actually find that Service Letter...
No way I'd do it without the service letter or some other valid documentation ("Approved Data"). Nor would the A&P I'm working with allow me to do it.
It's been years, but I know I've seen this done.......(steel rivet in the oil hole) and they had been in the engine for years before I got to them. I've also seen the hole in the rocker shaft bearing area, but it was much smaller. I'm going to an IA seminar in a couple days, if G&N engines is presenting(they usually are) I'll ask them. Dennis has been at this (engine overhaul gig) forever..........literally.........and would probably know off the top of his head.
Super bummer about Smokin' Rivet. Todd is a good friend, I"m going to reach out to him.