C85-12 accessory case

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Re: C85-12 accessory case

Post by 2066 »

tonycondon wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:50 pm I'm facing the same issue with a red tagged Accessory case on my C-85-12 from Central Cylinder in Omaha.

Reading online it seems that Drake Air in Tulsa, at least in the past, has had some success welding and machining these magnesium cases.

Does anyone have any experience with them?
Yes! ...well, kinda. Drake was swallowed up by global Ametek a while back. Drake did have the equipment and one uniquely skilled/experienced welder who could/would weld (build up) a mag case pump cavity. That's absolutely in the past. The equipment was damaged, and I'm told that the welder exited, stage left. No-one will touch welding the mag. If you send your case for "inspection" (it will actually end up at Quality Aircraft Accessories) they'll sub it out to DivCo.. DivCo can sometimes re-bush the gear shaft bores to buy a bit of time but, if the issue is the oil pump cavity, no can do. If you call Quality (or Drake) they may actually tell you that they can weld/re-machine the case but they're "assuming" that it's aluminum and it's very difficult to have some young(er) customer service folks there understand the difference between aluminum and magnesium (I'm serious!). They'll figure it out if you send it to them...and attach yet another red tag. Ask me how I know ;) . There are some good, serviceable cases around...tough to find. I understand that TCM is turning out a few new again after having had some foundry problems -- if so, go for a new aluminum case & save some hassle. ...sorry for the rant -- PM if you want more, Tony. :D Mac
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Re: C85-12 accessory case

Post by tonycondon »

Thanks for the Intel and saving me a phone call Mac
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