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Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:53 am
by 7698
When we are allowed back out again in the UK I'm wanting to fit my wheel pants.

Looking at the bolts currently fitted to fix the axle in place they wont be long enough once the wheel pant backing plate is fitted. Looking through the forum there is discussion about the bolt types with Cleveland brakes fitted.. NAS;/MS bolts etc..

As far as I can see I have no shims fitted. Is there a specific bolt length/type that will be the correct length for this arrangement?

As its difficult to get to the field and measure I was hoping that someone would have the answer allowing me to pre-order the nuts and bolts ready to do the job.

Many thanks and stay safe..

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:10 am
by regular122
The Parts Catalog shows it to be an AN6-5A bolt. Hope that helps, Steve
Wheel_Fairing.png (173.71 KiB) Viewed 6603 times

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:30 am
by 6643
Most Cleveland installations work with MS20004-28 bolts. If you have no shims, there should be plenty of length to add the backing plates.

Most Goodyear installations work with MS20004-30 bolts.

If you have no shims, have you checked the wheel alignment?

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:05 pm
by 7698
Thanks John, didnt want to order -28s and find them short..

I have no idea how I would check alignment... Was this something done at the factory as assembled? or someting that should be done periodically?

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:01 pm
by 6643
Since you have no shims I would assume it is wrong. How's the tire wear? There was a good article in an old newsletter on how to do it, and I think it's covered in the 100 series service manual,and maybe the Association Reference Manual.

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:19 pm
by 7698
To be honest John I've never noticed any odd wear on the tyres...

I'll hunt out the manual and see if I can find the info.

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:27 am
by 7698
To say that I have no shims is a bit of a guess...

I couldn't see anything when I looked, but I'm not 100% sure that I'd know without taking the axle off and looking... Thats not so straight forward in these strange times...

Here are the stupid questions..

If the -28 fits for Cleveland assemblies, does that allow for both shims and the wheel pant back plate? or am I better getting hold of the -30 for the extra grip length?

Is a standard AN nut acceptable or is there a preferred nut to obtain?

Many thanks.. :)

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:33 am
by 8424
TailWheelCharlie and John,

What is the serial number of TailWheelCharlie's C120?

In the parts manual, it appears that the serial number of the plane dictates which bolt will be used.

The NAS144 (MS20004) bolt is used up to and including serial # 13399, then AN5-22A on Serial # 13400 and after.

Having said this, it wouldn't surprise me if there has been an amendment to the parts manual that shows the NAS144 (MS20004) for all serial #'s. John, we depend on you to keep us updated and legal on these sort of things!

Steve A H

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:14 am
by 6643
The early serial number break is really dependent on the brakes installed. Different thickness anchor plates. None of them apply to Clevelands. Latest planes had AN5 bolts instead of the smaller (1/4") high strength bolts.

-30 bolts may be required if you have Cleveland brakes, two shims and the wheel pant backing plate, which IIRC, is about .060, or one number in length. The parts catalog does not call out different bolts, so I'd still try the -28 or -30 based on Cleveland vs. Goodyear. (MS dash numbers, not NAS.)

The original nut was a commercial grade high strength nut. The easiest equivalent aviation part to find is the NAS1804-4 nut, which is 12 point nut.

Re: Wheel Pant, axle bolt length

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:40 am
by 7698
This forum is awesome... So much experience and information.

I'll opt for -30 on the basis of better to be looking at it than for it. :)