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Static Oil Leak

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:31 pm
by 6863
Having chased an annoying oil leak in vain for a while, including changing #2 cylinder o ring and valve pushrod housing seals, I decided to spray the entire engine, let it dry and over a period of a week see what if anything precipitates and where. I now have a wet bottom cylinder base nut and stud on the #2 cylinder, an actual static leak. I believe that bottom stud is not a blind stud but rather threads all the way into the crank case. My plan is to remove the cylinder, verify by feel and eyesight that the stud is not blind but does thread into the case, and if it does, remove the stud, put some sealant on it and re-thread it back into the case. This is a C-90 variant with through bolts which is convertible to an 0-200.

Can anyone confirm that the bottom #2 cylinder base stud on this C-90 is not a blind stud but instead threads into the case? I also welcome any suggestions on how to proceed or any critique on my plan of action.