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Radio, Garmin, SL40

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:01 pm
by 6656
RADIO failed to turn on with master switch. Jiggled the radio on switch and it came on. Worked fine. Next flight could not get it on. Spoke with avionics and they would be happy to send it to Garmin, for $850 and 5 weeks down time. Seems excessive. Anyone have any thoughts. Plane is 1946 but don't know how radio is but still supported by Garmin. I think it is due to corrosion and poor contact.??

Re: Radio, Garmin, SL40

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:24 pm
by 8359
Before sending it out for service I would double check the power, ground and switch on connections. Would almost be easier to cut and re-terminate them.

Re: Radio, Garmin, SL40

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:03 pm
by 6597
Check 15pin connector, I had a minor issue many years ago with my SL-40, one pin giving me grief. Works like a champ still. I can send you installation guide if yo PM me, file too large for website.

Re: Radio, Garmin, SL40

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:52 pm
by a64pilot
Garmin has a flat rate for anything, you won’t get your same radio back. When I worked at an aircraft factory we occasionally got a bad radio, would send it in and often just got a new radio.

My face plate is coming off of my SL-40, and I’d bet the cost to have that “fixed” is the same as if the whole board was fried by lightning.

I’d take it to a good Avionics shop, they may can replace the on off volume switch, after of course checking the ground.
At least call a good shop and ask.

Re: Radio, Garmin, SL40,fixed

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:46 pm
by 6656
Appreciate the responses. Had Bill Turley of aircraft Engineering at KBOW check the fuse and wiring. He found that a loose screw in the radio slot apparently had loosened and the caused the radio to not be fully seated in the box. Tightening the screw seems to have solved the problem.