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Anyone ever make a tank tab?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:52 pm
by majourlittle
I have my 140 in my local flying club and we have a rule that all the planes be put away full of fuel. With the 140, flying it half full is really more ideal. Our planes are typically filled by the line guys after each flight and so it is difficult to tell them we want them halfway filled, I was thinking about making a slip in tab for the fuel tank. Has anyone done something like this?

My general thought was to make a slip on cover that would go around the fuel nozzle and then rest on the fuel tank cap ledge and hold the fuel nozzle in the correct place to cause it to stop at half tank.


Defueling the plane is something we can do, but it appears that this is more common than to fly full of fuel.

Re: Anyone ever make a tank tab?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:27 am
by flyer2017
Why not just make a stick that show fuel in 2 gallon increments and then you'd know how much to ask for in each tank? Or does one already exist to buy?