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Crankshaft AD - Fake news!
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:08 am
by 6643
This AD and final rule is effective February 23, 2023 and affects any crankshaft assembly on a Continental Engine.
While there is only one way to interpret this statement, it is in fact wrong. The AD applies only to crankshafts with removable counterweights, and I will go out on a limb and say that excludes all horizontally opposed 4 cylinder engines right off the bat. It is further restricted to only those crankshafts serviced since sometime in 2021, or, apparently, manufactured within a similar time frame.
I guess they were going for sensationalism in the headline...
Re: Crankshaft AD - Fake news!
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:51 am
by 6298
I quickly read the AD and found that it only applied to larger Continentals.
Re: Crankshaft AD - Fake news!
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:10 am
by 6277
The "headline" got my attention also.
Never mind!
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:54 pm
by 6643
Revision - Airworthiness Directive (AD) Affecting Continental Engines
Notice Number: NOTC2884
Revision - Airworthiness Directive (AD) Affecting Continental Engines
Docket No. FAA-2023-0172; Project Identifier AD-2023-00265-E; Amendment 39-22355; AD 2023-04-08 RIN 2120-AA64
This AD and final rule is effective February 23, 2023, and affects crankshaft assemblies on Continental Engines listed as applicable per the AD.
Re: Crankshaft AD - Fake news!
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:48 am
by V529
Crazy situation.
1. Yes only engines with counterweights......(i.e. large bore engines)
2. Continental isn't saying why, what, when how........but were I a guessing man......somebody at the factory didn't install the retaining C clip properly. Sure has grounded a bunch of aircraft!