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Running engine after multi year layup

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 10:03 am
by ulster1
Hi folks, just acquired a 140 that was annualed in 2012 and hasn’t flown since. Im trying to get it flying again. What is the best way to get the engine warmed up again without causing any harm?

Re: Running engine after multi year layup

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 12:24 pm
by 6643
You'll get a lot of answers.

Here's what I would do. First, drain the tanks and carb bowl. Then take the top plugs out and squirt some oil in the plug holes. Try to get some to stick to the upper sides of thee cylinders. Pull the engine through a few times by hand. Drain the old oil out and put fresh oil in. Crank the engine over by hand, or with the starter, until you get oil pressure. If you use the starter, crank for 30 seconds then rest for 2 minutes to prevent overheating. Confirm you have spark.

Put fresh fuel in. Replace the plugs, and give it a try.

I'm sure I forgot something important...

Re: Running engine after multi year layup

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 12:43 pm
by 6597
Pre-oil thru your main oil galleries, look for these plugs
0-200 plugs.jpg
0-200 plugs.jpg (73.26 KiB) Viewed 612 times
I made a presssure device to force oil into the galleries on both sides, it should also prime the pump some. I pulled the oil pressure line at the firewall to make sure oil was coming thru. I did this prior to my first run on my fresh overhaul.
pre-oiler.jpg (42.73 KiB) Viewed 612 times

To further John's 'squirt oil in the cylinders', I use one of these atomizers, makes for a nice coat, working the pistons minimally. ... B07F9YFFCG

I would think anything to get the oil flowing quickly is a good thing, warm engine, warm oil, hydraulic lifters getting pre-pressurized. The cam lobes may have lost what coat of oil they had.