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electric aileron trim?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:17 am
by 8306
My new-to-me 140A has an electric aileron trim system. It flies more or less straight, but I get the feeling that it's papering over an underlying rigging issue; is anyone familiar with this system? You can see the trim tab deflection in cruise below. Thanks.
IMG_0494.JPG (296.98 KiB) Viewed 2543 times

Re: electric aileron trim?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:21 pm
by V529
Neutral your trim out and see what the airplane does in straight and level flight, at cruise power. (with the airplane loaded evenly, fuel, pilots etc)

When I set up trim on one of these, I go by myself, full fuel in right tank and minimal in the left, that way I'm not "inducing" a heavy wing. Cruise power(or whatever power setting you will be using the most). Ball in the center, let go, see what happens.

Judging by the trim, it's pushing the left aileron up, so with the electric trim even......

Does it slowly turn right?
Does it bank right?
skid one way or the other?

Every airplane is going to need a little trim help, on an airplane like ours, electric trim really isn't necessary. Not sure why they installed it.

Re: electric aileron trim?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:15 am
by 8323
I have electric aileron trim on my C140. I assume that it was installed because of the additional fuel tank that the airplane also has.
While not necessary, it is a convenient option.