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Going no carpet?
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:33 pm
by 8322
Chatting with a c140 driver on backcountry pilots, i was thinking of taking my carpet out, he did his along w some other apolstery and lost 20lbs! Im seriously considering, any thoughts? A Taylorcraft guy piped in he did same and painted floor w a 2 part epoxy and has 7 years and several hundred hours on it and its not worn through..
Re: Going no carpet?
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:23 am
by 5806
I have an Airtex interior and I don't think the entire interior including seat frames, headliner, door covers, carpet add up to 20lbs. Probably other ways to put her on a diet. Lightweight starter and alternator? Simplify the panel and remove old heavy radios, instruments that are not required? Remove wheelpants? Lighter tires? Lightweight battery? Polish instead of paint? Fabric wings instead of metalized? Wood prop (you'll loose performance), put the pilot on a diet (sorry, that's a problem I have).
Lighter flies better. Ounces make pounds.
Re: Going no carpet?
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:38 pm
by 8322
Transponder isn't working, so that could go...I don't plan on going to a lot of controlled airspace so I probably won't replace... No wheel pants but the 800's aren't light so theres some there, 600s would be fine with me. Has a grimes light in each wing with the right one in-op so that extra grimes can go. I'm thinking the Odessy battery... So theres quite a bit I think that could add up... I love a polished plane, but until I'm retired I don't think I have the time to maintain a polished plane... I'm just going to start chipping away at a few things here and there...
Re: Going no carpet?
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:21 am
by 5806
Anytime you want to 'practice' polishing an airplane, come on over!
I'm tempted to reach for the spray gun every time I polish.
Re: Going no carpet?
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:42 am
by 8322
How much weight does it even save anyway? Especially on ours where its only the fuselage that we would save the weight from paint?
I just bought some hubcaps off aircraft spruce, the economy model came brushed aluminum and I have one brought out to be a mirror, thought I should have got some 3000grit as 2500 still left noticable swirled scratches... But that was enough to convince me that polished won't happen until I'm retired! And that is likey about when my 140 will turn 100, so maybe for her 100th birtday I'll polish her. lol.