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Non-TSO'd Radio/Avionics
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:42 pm
by 8359
I've done a bit of research into this, from what I can tell using non-TSO'd equipment in certified aircraft is okay, as long as it's not a Transponder/ADSB, IFR related instruments or flight recorders. This means a standard comm radio would be okay. I've also seem people put in glass panels placarded with "Not Primary Flight Instrument." With something like a C120, it's hard to specify it has to be TSO'd if it never had it to begin with.
My current radio uses a bit of juice, and I was hoping to change it out with something like the GTR200 that uses less power and had a built in intercom.
The question I have here, when I replace the radio, can it be done with a simple logbook entry, or would it require a field approval? My thought is a logbook entry signed off by an A&P would be plenty.
Re: Non-TSO'd Radio/Avionics
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:26 pm
by 5115
Hi Tamer,
This is a link I found a long time ago regarding TSO'd radios.
I'm not sure in the US if just a book entry is enough. But it will surely take also a W+B amendment.
Re: Non-TSO'd Radio/Avionics
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:01 pm
by 8261
I replaced a KX-170B (non-TSO) with a Garmin GTR 200. A&P/IA did a logbook entry.
By the way, awesome radio.
Good luck,
Re: Non-TSO'd Radio/Avionics
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:46 pm
by 2066
FWIW, in looking back at my 140's "radio history", there's been a 337 for each new replacement. It had a Narco Escort 110 when I bought it (...would transmit almost as far as a good garage door opener on its limited freqs, incidentally
). The next upgrade was to a non-TSO'd Terra 960 & included completion of a #337 + new W & B. Good radio...on my golf cart & working OK today. In '02 we replaced the Terra with a
non TSOd Icom A-200 -- the IA installed that, again with #337 completed + W & B updated. I do recall that the IA asked his FSDO contact about installing the
non-TSOd vs. the exact same that
was TSOd and available. He was asked for his opinion on the difference 'twixt the TSOd unit and the non & he replied "about $100 bucks"...the FAA rep laughed & said to just install it, complete/submit the 337 and get on with life. Again, FWIW, as this was "way back" in '02.
Re: Non-TSO'd Radio/Avionics
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:55 am
by 8359
Thanks for the feedback guys, and for that link Martin.
I have an A&P I've been working with who is pretty friendly. I'll run this idea by him and see what he says. I think it should be okay.
Glad to hear you love your GTR Chris.