I got an Alcor K type dual instrument, in serviceable condition.
I must buy the K probes. Aircraft Spruce offers a 3 3/8 inch probe.
I dont have the airplane to measure the pipe, because I am on winter holidays. But I suppose 3 3/8 will fit the exhaust pipe of C85.
Right ?
Thanks for your help,
Installing Alcor dual EGT
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- Posts: 83
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Horacio Berardone
- Location: PuertoYeruá, Entre Rios, Argentina.
- Aircraft Type: C140
- Occupation-Interests: Civil Engineering, Cattle breeding.
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Installing Alcor dual EGT
Horacio Berardone Bouhébent
LV-NGL 1946 C140 SN 10.260.
Based CLN, Colón, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Formerly 9Q-CKN Based FZAB, NDolo, Kinshasa, Congo.
LV-NGL 1946 C140 SN 10.260.
Based CLN, Colón, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Formerly 9Q-CKN Based FZAB, NDolo, Kinshasa, Congo.