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BAS shoulder harness

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:08 pm
by 7981
I want to install BAS shoulder harness in C-120. No kit with STC. Possible to use C-150 STC as acceptable data for field approval. 0411476 spar for C-120/140 supercedes to 0411108-200. Does anyone know if the -200 spar is used in another Cessna aircraft?

Re: BAS shoulder harness

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:55 am
by 8342
I purchased a shoulder harness set for my 140 but I don't remember where I got it or who made it but I do know it was STC'd.

I probably bought it through Spruce or Univair.

Do you want a particular Brand?

I had to replace the spar carry through due to intergranular corrosion.
I bought it from Univair and got the 0411476 rear spar carry through.
The STC instructions that come with it give authorization to use bolts instead of rivets to fasten it in place.


Re: BAS shoulder harness

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:08 am
by 8233
Why not go with Hooker harnesses? STC in place and a great product.

Re: BAS shoulder harness

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:10 pm
by 7981
BAS has inertia reels. Expensive but allow movement.