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Which tire size.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 12:07 pm
by cubrath
My new to me 140 has a well worn pair of 8.00x6 tires. Need a new set and wondering if I should switch back to the 6.00 X 6. I will be doing a lot of training in it for my son over the next year. We have nice firm well kept grass. Should I save the weight and go with the 6.00??

Re: Which tire size.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 12:57 pm
by 8322
I have 800s and I really like them, though up front I will tell you that is the only way I know her... I think they make the plane look beefier without looking like oversized bush tires..

What I have heard too, though remember its not first hand knowledge but it make sense.... The 800s ran at around 20psi offer a bit more cushion than 6.00s to give a little more forgiveness on landings with the stiff spring gear we have...

Re: Which tire size.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:58 pm
by 8187
If the weather clears up I’m going to go fly with a friend that has 8s.on his 140. He wants to try my 6s and I want to try his 8s. Will report back when it happens.

Re: Which tire size.

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:02 pm
by 6298
I tried 7.00’s for six months or so. I went back to 6.00x6’s and like them much better. You can see over the nose easier and the attitude seems right for full stall landings. Also, recently removed 8.00’s from a customers 140, so he could put the wheel pants back on, and he reports he likes them better.