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Int'l Cessna 170 Association auction

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:19 pm
by 6597

The gang over at the Int'l Cessna 170 Association is having an auction of parts and I was asked to post some pictures of said items. There are a few 140 parts in there.

The auction is a sealed bid arrangement open to members of either associations. Bids to be rec'd by March 1, 2022.

Here's a link to their forum thread in regards.... ... 25&t=15981

Of interest is that the member who wins the bid on an item, his/her Association receives the proceeds from that sale.

Hello David and Rob!
I am sending a copy of the Auction we are offering all 120/140 Assoc’n and 170 Assoc’n Members ..hoping you will find a suitable avenue to distribute to your Assoc’n Members so they may consider bidding on them.
The parts will be awarded as described and the Assoc’n whose Member WINS the item will receive the proceeds from that sale.
Hope this will help each Assoc’n also gain a few new Members!
Kind regards
George Horn