Wheel pants assemblies from Cessna

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Wheel pants assemblies from Cessna

Post by 6597 »


The ringleader on the Cessna 170 Association site has sent me a notice that he is trying to put together a potential order for original wheel pant assemblies and mounting plates from Cessna. Here is the information he has been relaying to me if you are interested or you are an originality restorer....

Hi, David!
This is what I was trying to copy you “in” on… so if you would post it at your 120/140 website, then your fellow Members can also participate. If we don’t get enough participants to interest, Cessna…I’ll let everyone know, either way.
Kind regards,
George Horn


The original wheelpant assemblys, Left and Right are PN: 0441143-12, and -51.

The original MOUNTing PLATEs are PN: 044143-8, and -9.

Note: Mounting Plates originally were cut for Goodyear brake assys. The plates last ordered in the mid-1990s were also. Minor “opening up” of that area may be necessary…I will inquire with Cessna if they can accommodate a typical single-cylinder Cleveland caliper….but the conversion/modification of the plate from Goodyear to Cleveland is an easy matter. Also the caliper will necessarily be aft of the axle, so if yours is presently located forward of the axle you must plan to relocate it.
ALSO, if you do not already have it, you will need to acquire an Axle Nut (PN: 04401130, Item 9 below) to support the Fairing. At the time I place the order with Cessna I will attempt to obtain a discount price for this item. Be Aware… these axle nuts vary from aircraft model to aircraft model depending upon the matching fairing. They are mfr’d with different lengths to accommodate the fairing internal width. I mention this in the event you think you can pick some up at the junk-yard…and not be disappointed when you discover it will not fit the OEM fairing because it came off an airplane with a different fairing PN.

I am attempting to determine how many positive orders can be counted upon if I approach Textron/Cessna to manufacture complete Wheel-Fairing kits, and also PAIRS of Plates.

IF YOU would like to be included in a special purchase-order POSITION for Original, Metal, Wheel Fairings,…OR… Mounting plates ONLY….. please send an ORDINARY SNAIL MAIL ONLY*** to me at:

George Horn
993 Flying X Rd
Spicewood, TX 78669

YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR COMPLETE CONTACT INFORMATION, NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, AND PHONE NUMBER. You MUST state whether you want the ENTIRE KIT, …or …the Mounting Plates ONLY…. and whether or not you want Cessna to provide the two axle nuts.

Please do this ASAP, as I will need to coordinate this with Cessna, and if history repeats itself ….(last time the Assoc’n did this was in the mid-90s)…. a minimum order of 50 SETS were required to satisfy a special production-run.

I will not respond back via Snail Mail..but will post the response-results by mid-July. SO GET YOUR REQUEST TO ME ASAP… DO NOT WAIT.

Thank you.

*** PMs, emails, and phone calls will not place you in-line for an order. You must send an actual U.S. Mail request for a DELIVERY-POSITION. I will post in THIS THREAD the results and Cessna’s projected PRICE… by mid July,…. at which time you may either CONFIRM AND COMMIT TO THE PURCHASE-ORDER….or reject/cancel your Snail Mail Order-Position. When you confirm your commitment, you will be expected to PAY UP FRONT for the purchase order.
(Actual shipping arrangements will be determined at that time. (either Cessna will agree to drop-ship…or I will accept total shipment and re-ship…. or your local Cessna Distributor may accept your shipment and hold for you…. that detail not yet known.)

Please…. No Tire Kickers. Think seriously about this if/when you Snail Mail me. The prices of complete kits will likely exceed $1500, is my “best guess” at this time.
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Re: Wheel pants assemblies from Cessna

Post by 1125 »

Been too busy with sick relatives. I only am looking at the wheel pants since I have backing plates and axle nuts. How much do I need to pay?
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Re: Wheel pants assemblies from Cessna

Post by ghorn »

The response has been …. underwhelming… to say the least…. so no action will be pursued on this matter.

By the way 1125. the mounting plates for original wheelpants are not flat (like later ones), so if yours are not “dished” they will not properly mount original pants. Hope this helps.

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Re: Wheel pants assemblies from Cessna

Post by atypicalguy »

I would take a set. My fiberglass ones are sort of silly looking, even if they are color coordinated. Just FYI, Karl
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