Have I missed the Spring Newsletter?
Has anyone heard of any plans from "The Association" for a mass Fly In for OSH 2022?
Spring Newsletter 2022?
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You must be a member of the Cessna 120-140 Association in order to post new topics, reply to existing topics, or search for information on this forum. Use the "Join" link in the red menu bar.
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- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Dean DeRosia
- Location: Glendale, AZ
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Re: Spring Newsletter 2022?
I received mine in an email on March 13th so apparently you did miss it. Was going to suggest you go to the "Resources > Newsletters" drop-down on the home page but it hasn't been posted there yet either.
Dean DeRosia
1946 Cessna 140
Glendale, AZ KDVT
1946 Cessna 140
Glendale, AZ KDVT
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- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Victor G
- Location: Michigan
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- Occupation-Interests: Work on airplanes till the cows come home..........they're still out.
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Re: Spring Newsletter 2022?
I know that Christian is putting together the summer Newsletter, and I think it's on its way already?