140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

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140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by TheFlyingMechanic »

Hello all!

I have a Cessna 140 that has sat for half a decade in a hangar but is in really good condition. It previously was located in Phoenix and now is in Middle TN. I recently started the restoration of it after getting some paperwork sorted out on it (REALLY long story). I sent the Bendix S4LN-20/21 Mags out for overhaul and started inspecting and preping to do its annual. It was drained of fuel but does have the auto gas STC on it. I was curious what you seasoned vets would use to make sure the fuel system was drained. My non-aviation mechanic buddy recommended just running a few gallons of clean gas through the system and catching it before it enters the carb to inspect for particulates/gummy residue. Curious what you all think of this and if you have any suggestions for me as I proceed to get her back flying for the first time in a long time. A side note this model has a O-290-D2 engine on it so its a bit beefier of a powerplant than the typical 140.

Thanks in advance for the info!

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Re: 140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by a64pilot »

Flushing it with some Avgas ought to tell you a lot. I’d let the fuel sit for awhile first.
If you have access to a borescope I’d take a look into the tanks before I put fuel in too.
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Re: 140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by TheFlyingMechanic »

I inspected it with a borescope and it seems to be in much better condition than I anticipated! I flushed fuel through it with not really any contaminates noted. I let some set in it for about 24 hours and am going to drain it this evening in hopes if anything was settled it would knock it loose.

Mags come back in Friday... might run for the first time in several years come saturday!

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Re: 140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by 6277 »

The fuel selector valve might need to be checked carefully.
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Re: 140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by 8342 »

I would pull all of the top spark plugs and turn the engine over with the starter to get oil pressure up.
This should get all of the bearings lubed some before the actual start up.

Just a thought.

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Re: 140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by 6843 »

Mike Bush wrote a story in AOPA explaining what to do before starting an engine that's sat for a while. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all ... surrection

I spoke to him about it and my take away was the most important thing was the cylinder borescope and the oil fogging. I used the Solo sprayer with ACF50.
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Re: 140 Project needing advice (Fuel System)

Post by TheFlyingMechanic »

Thanks for the thoughtful advice! I started pulling panels today to get to the fuel selector but had to break for the heat. Looks like the sump on the left side needs a new o-ring... its leaking if I put fuel in that tank. Right side is holding good. Had the mags overhauled and currently reinstalling them. I hope tomorrow to get that finished and put some LPS 2 in the cylinders. I think I'll see if I can borrow a borescope and shoot the cylinders valves before kicking it over and make sure they are all moving. Might get lucky and fire the ole' girl up tomorrow afternoon......

Collin Mac
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