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If the locknut (part no.16) is what locks part no.20 from turning it looks to me that you could still rotate the actuator 90 degrees and compensate by turning part no.20, 90 degrees also. or drill and tap new holes for the guard. It might require a little grinding if clearances inside get tight. Five hundred bucks would buy a little fuel.
I found this old thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=775 that has a lot of good pictures and discussion about the various models of the actuator. My '46 120 has what I believe to be the original version, the same as is pictured in the old thread. There was a lot of discussion back then, and pictures of getting it apart, but no follow-on as to what parts were found worn and how to replace/repair them.
Does anyone have any experience with repair and reassembly?
Is it possible to reactivate this thread from the archives?
McFarlane Aviation just posted they new PMAed units on sale. There is a breakdown of applicable P/N's by S/N for our 140's. They have a Core exchange discount for rebuilt units. (